IKGF (hybrid) Lecture Series

Image of a section from the Pelliot Manuscript Pelliot chinois 3782 containing the Spirit Chess Divination Method
Section from the Pelliot chinois 3782 manuscript containing the Spirit Chess Divination Method 靈棋卜法 (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)

During the summer term 2022 the IKGF organizes a lecture series on the Consortium’s theme Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe.

It takes place on Tuesdays, 6:15 pm–7:45 pm CEST (US East Coast: 12:15 pm–1:45 pm EDT; China: 0:15 am–1:45 am CST).

The lectures will be held in person at

Building D1, Room 00.235 (“Großer Seminarraum”)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen

All lectures will also be streamed online (live): https://fau.zoom.us/j/66470896618?pwd=cFN0SlFVS1E4SlJpOUprLzdQdzA5QT09

2022/05/03 Orientation and Avoidance: Prenatal Space Divination during the Tang and Song Dynasties
Cheng Wan-Chun (IKGF Visiting Fellow)
2022/05/17 Pictures at an Exhibition. An Illustrated Report on the Exhibit “Signs of the Future. Divination in East Asia and Europe” 2021 at the National Museum in Nuremberg
Michael Lackner (IKGF Director)
2022/05/31 The Changing Portrayal of Divination and Prognostication in pre-Han and post-Han shu 書 texts
Thomas Crone (IKGF Research Coordinatot)
2022/06/14 The Epistemology of the UFO: The Communities and Narratives of Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the Cold War USSR
Alexey Golubev (University of Houston)
2022/06/28 [title tba.]
Dimitri Drettas (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
2022/07/12 Destiny and Human Nature in Daoist Internal Alchemy: The Views of Liu Yiming (1734-1821)
Fabrizio Pregadio (IKGF Guest Professor)
2022/07/26 The Prognostication for the Change of Fate—Yiguandao’s Eschatology and Responding Practices
Yeh-Ying Shen (IKGF Visiting Fellow)