Dr. Fabio ACERBI
Fabio Acerbi is Chargé de Recherche at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR8167 “Orient et Méditerranée”, équipe “Monde Byzantin”, Paris (France). He specializes in Greek and Byzantine mathematics. His most recent books are The Logical Syntax of Greek Mathematics (Springer, 2021) and Il Codex Vaticanus a Bisanzio. Vicende e figure di una storia millenaria co-authored with Daniele Bianconi (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2022).
Visiting Senior Fellow (April – July 2023)
Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Chair for Sinology with a focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China (Alexander von Humboldt-Professor)
Room 00.320
Hartmannstraße 14, D3
91052 Erlangen